A generic project file for mapping every key
on a standard QWERTY computer keyboard to MIDI notes.
You can use modifers for selecting one of 16 MIDI Channels.
Note: on macOS, Alt is the same as the Option key, and Win
is the same as the Command key.
Channel - Modifier Combination 0: Standard 1: Shift 2: Control 3: Shift+Control 4: Alt 5: Shift+Alt 6: Ctrl+Alt 7: Shift+Ctrl+Alt 8: Win 9: Shift+Win 10: Ctrl+Win 11: Shift+Ctrl+Win 12: Alt+Win 13: Shift+Alt+Win 14: Ctrl+Alt+Win 15: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Win The following MIDI notes are played with the given keystroke (assuming US keyboard): Note - Key 0: Power 1: Sleep 2: Num Lock 3: Scroll Lock 4: Browser Back 5: Browser Forward 6: Browser Refresh 7: Browser Stop 8: Browser Favorites 9: Browser Home 10: Search 11: Start Mail 12: Start App 1 13: Start App 2 14: Start Media 15: Mute 16: Volume - 17: Volume + 18: Prev Track 19: Next Track 20: Play 21: Stop 22: Play/Pause 23: ~ 24: 1 25: 2 26: 3 27: 4 28: 5 29: 6 30: 7 31: 8 32: 9 33: 0 34: - 35: = 36: Q 37: W 38: E 39: R 40: T 41: Y 42: U 43: I 44: O 45: P 46: [ 47: ] 48: A 49: S 50: D 51: F 52: G 53: H 54: J 55: K 56: L 57: ; 58: ' 59: \ 60: Z 61: X 62: C 63: V 64: B 65: N 66: M 67: , 68: . 69: / 70: \ 71: Apps 72: F1 73: F2 74: F3 75: F4 76: F5 77: F6 78: F7 79: F8 80: F9 81: F10 82: F11 83: F12 84: F13 85: F14 86: F15 87: F16 88: F17 89: F18 90: F19 91: F20 92: F21 93: F22 94: F23 95: F24 96: Num 0 97: Num 1 98: Num 2 99: Num 3 100: Num 4 101: Num 5 102: Num 6 103: Num 7 104: Num 8 105: Num 9 106: Num . 107: Num = 108: Num / 109: Num * 110: Num - 111: Num + 112: Num Enter 113: Print 114: Execute 115: Snapshot 116: Insert 117: Backspace 118: Delete 119: Esc 120: Left 121: Right 122: Up 123: Down 124: Home 125: End 126: Page Up 127: Page Down